Saturday, April 17, 2010

buy low

I know this puts me over budget, but I need both of these things and they were at a fabulous price. Has anyone tried either of these brands?

Retails: $13.86
Total Spent: $5.92
Percent Off: 58%

How did I do it?

Buy Low does regularly carry either of these items in these brands so they don't have a "regular" price. These are both special items on special pricing. I looked at the Western Family oil and it is regularly $3.39 for the equivalent. Their special prices are good deals but the coupons they put in the mailers that came Tuesday or Wednesday were awesome.

Vegetable Oil, 48 oz, special price $2.50
- coupon price $1.48 each

Texas Rice, 5 lbs, special price $3.99
- coupon price $1.48

This deal ended tonight

Money Left for the Month: -$4.90


  1. I haven't tried either brand, but my opinion is that oil is oil and rice is rice, brands don't matter. Let me know if you find otherwise.

  2. I have had VERY bad luck with the cannery rice. Blah! We have like 75 lbs of that nasty stuff and use it when we're out of decent rice. We've discovered that it helps it to rinse it really good before cooking it. Helps, mind you. It's still nasty.
