Friday, January 22, 2010

last minute breakfast-for-dinner ideas anyone?

wow. 4 pancakes? At once? who's eating this?

There is nothing worse then realizing that it is 5pm and not having any idea of what to make for dinner. Ok, there are worse things, but it stinks. This quickly becomes Dinner Out Night all too easily for me. Dinner Out is wonderful if it's part of the plan, but when it becomes the default I gain 27 pounds and wonder why we even have a budget. For a good laugh?

In an attempt to help myself, I thought it would be good to share a few last minute ideas for Breakfast-for-Dinner for future reference.
- waffles
- pancakes
- breakfast burritos
- basic breakfast potatoes (thanks pioneer woman)
- omelets
- french toast
- my sister in law makes eggs on the waffle maker. just cracks them right on the grill. cool.

Also, I just found this post from Meal Planning Mommies on Breakfast-for-Dinner with a few links to recipes they've already posted. I'm not sure how quick any of them are but how do you go wrong with Stuffed French Toast?

Do you have any other quick breakfast ideas? Leave a comment! I would love to try something new, as would Mr. Picky Pants, I mean Matt.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. if you need more ideas i'd talk to dad... i've heard he's really into breakfast for diner
