Thursday, August 27, 2009


Have any of you tried these Quaker Quakes rice cakes? They are so good. And they're rice cakes, so they don't count as junk food, right? Even when you eat a whole bag in one sitting? Right?!!

Retails: $ 36.20
Total Spent: $11.68
Percent Off: 68%

How did I do it?
  • compiled my list from pinchingyourpennies
  • only bought what was on sale
  • sales: $20.05
  • coupons: $2.75
  • Smiths has a promotion of buy 10 select items, get $5 instantly off. (the milk, eggs, and cheese aren't on it) By carefully choosing which items were the best deal and I actually wanted I went in with a great list. Unfortunately they were sold out of the True Delights and the delicious cheddar flavor of the rice cakes (I did get the last one of each of these today) so I may be back tomorrow after they restock to do another batch of 10.
Money Left for the Month: $82.78

1 comment:

  1. yep... last 2 nights I've downed a whole bag of Quakes in one sitting... and I'm not even pregnant! =) But I was editing my husband's thesis... needed the crunch to keep me awake. ;)
    Oh, and our splurge on this sale... Sobe. Something like 35 bottles of it. hubby loves the stuff and sent me back to Smiths with his own spending money for more.
