Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Wow. I went out grocery shopping for the first time with 2 kids. The baby was great, the toddler was typical (crazy). The actual trip wasn't too bad. I had it timed pretty well. But I was exhausted before we even left the house. Does it really take that much more time to get ready to go anywhere? I was already late for everything before. Shoot. By the time we were driving to the store I wanted a nap. How do you people with 4 kids get anything done?

Oh, and I didn't go to Fresh Market just for this clearanced ham. I had to get more milk with WIC (see previous post).

Retails: $3?
Total Spent: $1.02
Percent Off: 66%

I got this in the Provo Center Street Fresh Market and there was probably 8 more packages of this stuff if you're close and interested. The expiration date is Friday but lunch meat freezes pretty good. It's in the clearance meat section.

Money Left for the Month: $148.98


  1. Hahahaha! Four kids and getting things done is an oxymoron! No not really. You start to figure it out. And as your kids get older they can help more too. Believe it or not I prefer to grocery shop with the two youngest and not the two oldest now.

    But I have learned it takes forever to get ready to go anywhere. We start getting ready for church two hours before and we are still late sometimes.

  2. Um, I don't go anywhere. And when I do, my trips resemble your account with the 3 poopy diapers and keys locked in the car. By the end I want to cry. That's why I'm not so good with the coupons. :)

  3. Wait until they are potty trained and want to use the bathroom like 3 times at each store. Most grocery store bathrooms are so gross. I hope your future grocery store trips go better and I would be willing to watch Sam for you - I still feel like I owe you for babysitting Sariah.
