Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hostess Outlet

I hit the Hostess Outlet that is like 2 minutes from my house for the first time on Saturday (nice on the delay. sorry.) It is sweet! They have twinkies and donuts and lots of other treats that I can't name because I've never heard of them before for 29 cents. Of course they were like a week from poll date, so you know they're like 29 years old, but who cares? I'm not so concerned about that sort of stuff when I'm eating a twinkie.

They also had bread for 99 cents and a 12 pack of english muffins for $1.89.

I am sold. Hostess, my unborn baby is calling your delicious name.

Retails: $13.00 (approximate)
Total Spent: $4.72
Percent Off: 64%

Money Left for the Month: -$6.80
budget? what budget?

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