Monday, June 29, 2009

what in the world are doublers?

I've had a few people ask me about doublers or double coupons. If you are lucky, you live in an area where stores regularly double coupons. If, however, you live in the World of the Cheapskates (aka: Utah Valley) you don't because the stores would loose WAY too much money with all the good mommies that take their shopping seriously.

Albertsons has somewhat recently started to somewhat regularly put a few double coupons out. (aren't I a great writer?) What that means is they will match any manufacturer's coupon up to $1. They only allow so many per store per day around here, whatever the amount that they come grouped in. For instance, there were 2 on the actual ad on Wednesday so Albertsons would accept 2 per store per day. There were more that came in Sunday's paper as a separate insert so Albertsons will take those 3.

Are they worth it? That's up to you. I live just around the corner from an Albertsons so for me saving 3 dollars a day totally is. But I only have to drive a few minutes and put one child in and out of a carseat. If you live further or have tons of little monkeys then maybe they're worth it if you are going there anyways and get more mileage out of your coupons? I don't know but I LOVE them. Pinching Your Pennies always has a thread of what is free/super cheap with the doublers. Here's this weeks.

Hope that helps!

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