Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Let's just say that I'm glad to be home. We had a very "exciting" grocery trip this afternoon, but nonetheless, we came out the conquerors and here are our great deals (that I'm sure made every moment worth it).

Retails: $34.56
Total Spent: $2.28
Percent Off: 93%

How did I do it?
  • sales: $16.92
  • coupons: $7.49
  • double coupons: $5.20
Money Left for the Month: $139.24


  1. So you're the one who took the last pudding that wasn't sugar free. I went to Albertsons and was pretty proud of myself. Although I didn't do as well as you do, I spent $53 and saved $49. Much better than I usually do.

  2. I;m jealous you have Albertsons!! I miss it here in Texas! :(
